01282 771000 | office@sabden.lancs.sch.uk | Sabden Primary School, Whalley Road, Sabden, Clitheroe, BB7 9DZ

Class Routine
Start/ end timings – Children in Class One are expected to be sat in class learning from 8.55am.Learning finishes at 3.30pm and children will be allowed home minutes after this.
Break times – children have a morning break and an afternoon break for 15 minutes. They have an hour for lunch too.
Behaviour – Children at Sabden have very good behaviour with lots of good modelling displayed by children across the day. In class we have a sticker chart for following our class rules.
Reading – Once a school reading book is finished pupils are welcome to choose a new book within their ability range from our large selection of books in school.
PE – PE sessions are run twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays. Pupils wear a separate PE uniform on these days. The uniform is a white crew neck t-shirt or polo shirt, black leggings or joggers and when appropriate black shorts and basic, all black trainers. On PE days children do not wear ‘normal’ school uniform.
Continued Learning at Home – Sabden offers a range of online activities for pupils to undertake at home. This includes Times Tables Rockstars, Number Bonds, Spelling, Reading and phonics play.
Pupil voice – Children take part in two school questionnaires each year and several specific surveys throughout the year. Children are given class responsibilities which change every half term.