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01282 771000 | | Sabden Primary School, Whalley Road, Sabden, Clitheroe, BB7 9DZ

Medical Information
Illness in School:
When children are taken ill or have an accident in school we will ring parents to inform them of the situation. Every child and situation is different therefore handled accordingly. It is essential for us to have up to date telephone numbers for parents: home, work and mobile to ensure we can contact you as quickly as possible.
If a child hits their head we will always contact parents to inform them of the situation. If we feel the child is able to remain in school this will be suggested to the parent however if the parent would like to see the child and make a decision to take them home or seek further medical advice they are able to do this. If school feels that the child is unable to remain in school the parent will be asked to collect the child.
In an emergency situation parents will be contacted as soon as possible. Our priority is first and foremost the child and there may be occasion where the emergency services will be contacted first to allow the child to receive vital medical attention and then parents will be informed. Where possible the parent will take the child to receive medical attention.
If your child is vomiting or is suffering from diarrhoea please keep them at home for 48 hours to ensure complete recovery.
Medicine in School:
Should your child require medication whist in school the below form will need to be completed. For children with asthma we require 2 inhalers (for the classroom and office). Medication is kept in the classroom and/or school office as appropriate. We have a medicine fridge for any medication that is required to be kept at a certain temperature.
Please check the expire dates of all medication before bringing into school. We are unable to administer out of date medication. Medication must be in its original packaging and prescribed by a doctor. We are not able to administer over the counter medication.
If you have any question regarding your child's medical needs please speak to the School Office.
Medical Conditions:
It is the parents’ duty to inform school of any conditions, illnesses or infections that their child has, this includes asthma, diabetes, food allergies etc. You will be required to complete a Health Care Plan and discuss with school staff.

Medical Consent Form

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