01282 771000 | office@sabden.lancs.sch.uk | Sabden Primary School, Whalley Road, Sabden, Clitheroe, BB7 9DZ
I am a solicitor and live in Sabden
.My two children attend Sabden Primary School. I believe that a primary school education should be broad, balanced, exciting, and provide as many rich learning experiences as possible to broaden the horizons of all pupils and help them to achieve their potential.

Laura Wilkinson
Chair of Governors

Gareth Evans
Co-opted Governor
I am a Financial Sales Manager and my two children have attended Sabden Primary School. Since moving into the area last year, we have been delighted with the way we were received by the school and the local community. I am very much looking forward to helping the Governing Team maintain the excellent standards of what is a lovely village primary school.

Sib Hussain
Co-opted Governor
Hello! I am Dr Sibtain Hussain and I am honoured to be a co-opted governor at Sabden Primary School. Both of my boys and daughter attend Sabden Primary School.
I am committed to helping the school drive forward by building an environment that allows every child to grow and have the school journey they deserve. I will also be taking a keen interest in Health and Wellbeing as well as science.
In my professional life, I am a full- time GP partner at Pendleside Medical Practice. My special interests are minor surgery, dermatology and musculoskeletal disease. I provide dermatology services to across East Lancashire. Recently I took on the role of Clinical Director for Ribblesdale Primary Care Network.
I enjoy going to the gym, spending time with my family and if there is anytime left, playing cricket.

Laura Murray
As a teacher at Sabden, I love having the opportunity to meet with our other governors and share all of the fantastic and exciting things that happen in our school.
Governor Attendance
Lesa Smith
Parent Governor
I am a secondary school teacher with over 20 years experience, so I am enjoying getting involved in primary education for a change! I am also a parent and as I have watched my daughters grow and thrive here, I am keen to give back something to the school and this wonderful community by joining the governing body.