01282 771000 | office@sabden.lancs.sch.uk | Sabden Primary School, Whalley Road, Sabden, Clitheroe, BB7 9DZ

Sabden Primary School was built in 1837 and founded by Richard Cobden, an important figure in the 1840’s Free Trade Movement. The school was one of the first in the country to be independent of any church and cost £700 to be built.
Opening on the 15th May 1837, the school initially had a lecture room, a library and a public room where people could meet. So many people came to the opening, they did not fit in the school and some had to stand outside. By 1897, the school was altered to create more rooms for classes.
For over 180 years, Sabden Primary School has stood witnessing the changing world around it, and within it. From hosting evacuees during the second world war, celebrating the Queen’s coronation to the more recent impacts on school closures through the COVID 19 epidemic. One thing that does not change however, is how we strive to be the centre of our community, serving families from in and around Sabden just as we did on opening day.

The village of Sabden is located south of Pendle Hill and can be found at the bottom of what is locally know as the ‘nick o’ Pendle’. Surrounded by natural beauty, Sabden can be known to have its own climate at times, and is often busy throughout the day as it connects the local towns of Padiham and Clitheroe.
Although only a small village, the community spirit is strong, and features yearly events such as the bonfire night on the Holme Field and carol services at the churches. Our school strives to be at the centre of the community, and opens up to the community for events such as bookie breakfasts, coffee mornings, our annual carol concert at St Nicholas church and Autumn Fair.