01282 771000 | office@sabden.lancs.sch.uk | Sabden Primary School, Whalley Road, Sabden, Clitheroe, BB7 9DZ

Our Curriculum Intentions
We will equip our children with a broad range of Knowledge, Skills & Qualities to become successful and responsible learners, ready for the next stage of their education. We achieve these through developing learning values across all aspects of a curriculum that is cohesive, progressive & relevant.
We implement a variety of flexible approaches that ensure learning is matched to the individual needs of all pupils so they can maximise progress in all parts of a lesson. Opportunities for rich, problem solving activities allow pupils to develop thinking in a variety of purposeful contexts.







Art & Design

Measuring Impact
Leaders at all levels undertake a variety of monitoring activities to quality assure the provision and ensure we maximise the impact for pupils. Accurate self –evaluation fuels school improvement work to ensure that we continually strive for excellence.
Early Years Foundation Stage (3 -5 yrs) Curriculum
Each area of the Foundation Stage curriculum has equal weighting and children are given opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in all of these areas through a wide range of activities and play. Through careful observation and assessment staff are able to move children on in their learning and to also encourage them to participate in identifying the next steps for their learning.
Learning opportunities are developed through:
Play which is structured at times to enable new skills to develop.
Children’s’ interests noted by staff and suggestions from parents.
Allowing children to make their own decisions and choices.
Providing a range of stimulating resources that children are encouraged to explore freely and through direction from staff.
Incorporating drama and role-play into sessions.
Catering for different learning styles and needs
Offering very high quality pastoral care so that children feel confident, valued and secure.
Key Stage 1 (5-7 yrs) and Key Stage 2 (7-11 yrs) Curriculum
We want children to enjoy learning through involvement in a meaningful, purposeful and relevant curriculum that develops lively, enquiring minds and gives children skills for life.
The National Curriculum is used to guide and support teaching and learning at the school.
The National Curriculum includes:
Core Subjects – English, Mathematics and Science
Foundation Subjects - Art & Design, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education and a Modern Foreign Language (French)
Careful planning ensures that these subjects are matched with the age, ability and experience of each child. Computing is used throughout the curriculum, both as a teaching resource and as a tool for recording, collecting and sorting information.
We aim to ensure that all pupils:
Have equality of opportunity through the encouragement of positive self-esteem and the provision of an appropriate and differentiated curriculum
Learn through an active curriculum with involvement in practical and meaningful activities
Are encouraged to think for themselves and become increasingly independent and responsible for their own learning
Have opportunities to cooperate and work with others as well as by themselves
Develop an understanding of and sensitivity to the rights, responsibilities and respect of others as well as themselves
Experience a curriculum which is differentiated, with continuity and progression maintained as they pass through the school.
Engage in a curriculum which is linked across subjects, as and when appropriate, through year group and whole school theme.
Have work monitored, highlighting their progress and achievements throughout their time at our school and that this is regularly reported to parents.
Curriculum Statement Downloads: